Nice one! You've set up Raisely's P2P Ticketed Event template. Here are a few tips on how you can customise the template to suit your organisation. When you're ready, select the bin icon in the row settings (top-right) to remove this row.
We've put together a short guide for how to best use this template, check it out here.
When you're done, review our going live checklist to get ready to launch.
Join us in making a difference – one pedal at a time. Freedom Ride is an upcoming cycling event that will raise funds and awareness for the work of Mukti Australia, helping India and Sri Lanka’s most vulnerable, marginalised and exploited women and children. Freedom Ride will help bring them hope, freedom and a brighter future. Read more about the cause, or sign up today to be a part of this epic ride!
500+ kms
daily average
Freedom Ride for Mukti Australia is a cycling event that will raise funds for India and Sri Lanka’s most vulnerable, marginalised and exploited women and children. Freedom Ride will deliver much needed funds to bring them hope and a brighter future.
Riding from Eden NSW to Officer VIC, down New South Wales’ Sapphire Coast and across Victoria’s Gippsland, cyclists will ride over 500km in 5 days.